Creating with Light

Posts tagged “Night

The Milky Way

Space…..the final frontier…..yada yada yada. Seriously though this past weekend we went to one of our favorite spots for a camping weekend, and I got to try my hand at the shooting the Milky Way Galaxy. The skies were as clear as they could get, and there just happened to be a meteor shower happening this weekend as well. I guess everything sort of aligned to make it pretty easy for my first attempt. Let me know what you think!


Urban Hunt

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Despite the bone chilling temperatures this week, I somehow convinced myself to get out there and find some images capturing the cold nature of winter. Living in Kansas City, the winter can cut straight to the bone and leave you numb and weary. As I speak the windchills outside are reaching as low as -10 F. I think that is part of the reason I like living here. There may be bitter cold, but there is always something to look forward to. I feel like if I were to live in a climate where the seasons have far less variation, I would take it for granted and time would seem to fly by me without any checkpoints. I hope these images inspire you to go take in the cold weather so that at some point you can be that much more appreciative of a warm day in the middle of summer.


For this post, I thought I would let you know a few tips on how and this is the key, when to shoot architecture. Obviously I am stating my preference, but I will tell you why this is my beilief. When you shoot architecture, you should always at least try to inclued something that gives you scale(people, cars, lightpoles, trees, etc.). If you are shooting for details, then just make sure you use your compositional rules, but other than that have fun. The best shots for architecture show depth which means high contrast light, small aperture, and again contrasting light. For the past couple of shots I have done I have chosen to shoot at twilight. This is because most street lighting, or building lighting has a natural orange or yellow hue to it, and given that the sky between night and day has a very strong, rich blue you get a natural pallette of complimentary colors. Also, lengthened exposures give you the ability to have car trails and things that give your image movement. Here are a few examples of what I am talking about. AMC Mainstreet 6Bartle Hall TwilightEdit

Landscape Bloch